Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31st

Still Flat!! this has to be the worst December ever! I might have surfed 3 times. anyway let hope for a swell. Have a Happy New Year. Stay safe.


Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27th

Lots of snow on the ground. the roads are frozen. the wind is really strong off shore. there is some blown out chop out in the ocean but most are shoveling out there cars or snowboarding little ramps. video of a ramp on the boards to the left.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26th

Blizzard!!! Not much as far as waves. It was knee high + with some swell lines showing around 1pm but the tide was so high that it wasnt breaking far enough out to make it rideable. By low tide the bump was gone. Tomorrow expect more of the same. Possibly a rideable wave in the morning.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25th

Merry Christmas!

Small waves today about knee high. Long lulls between the occ. wave. bunch of guys spread out down the beach. some streets are better than others. snow tomorrow? Noreaster? Could get some waves monday. I need to surf.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23rd

Flat again today. Heavy offshore winds. Prob was good somewhere, just not here. we need waves! Pray for surf.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22nd

Not much going on. It around knee high. Kinda choppy. Doesnt look that fun.

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20th

Waves are around knee-thigh high as of 11am. Offshore winds have picked up. Few people looking at it, 1-2 in the water. Not much more than Longboardable. might wait an hour and check it again.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16th

nothing much. little chop, nobody was around the few times i checked it.

early next week is starting to look good. getting stoked.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14th

about noon there were a few guys out. knee with some waist+ sets kinda fun. water is 15+ degrees warmer than the air. snow on the beach. got smaller toward the evening. a few pics from the day on the left.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 11th

Very small shin-knee high wave. Semi longboardable. Breaking pretty much on shore. There's a couple guys out but not really much happening.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 9th

Waves have been flat and un-rideable for the past few days. Upcoming front has been downgraded from head high+ to knee-waist and choppy. Weather got real cold. Pray for surf.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5th

More of the same today. Small inside chop with some off/side shore wind. Few guys out in the morning. No one out between 2-3pm.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4th

Not much today. Some small inside chop. A few guys out.

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3rd

9am: Ocean is glassy clean but almost flat. a small groundswell pulse working it's way in. Mostly only ankle high with some knee+ sets that break farther out. The long lulls make it seem like it's totally flat and is why is keeping me out. Could be fun on a longboard if you missed yesterday and don't wanna drive. I'm gonna wait it out a few hours and go check some other spots.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2nd

Nice clean waist high waves today. kinda mushy but fun and rideable.

Tomorrow the surf looks to fizzle out locally. If your willing to trave its supposed to be clean and waist plus elsewhere.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

Didn't get a chance to check the surf today. I heard it was totally blown out and gross. It poured til 4pm or so with 40 mph winds.

Next couple of days look small (knee-waist) but clean and fun if you know where to look. Probably crowded at the more popular/accessable spots.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th

Small knee-waist chop today with hard onshore/sideshore winds. Pretty nasty out. I need to get in the water so I'll be out there. prob alone. Good Luck!

update: the rip is sucking west pretty hard. waves are getting bigger the later it's getting. Some nice peaks standing up about chest high on the inside and then closing out. Walk back against the wind was kinda brutal. Toasty warm in a 5mil w/boots, and gloves.


Monday, November 29, 2010

November 29th

today: pancake flat. tiny ripple.

tomorrow should bring a little rideable chop which should get bigger through out the day. Wednesday should be shoulder+ range and could get bigger in the afternoon but might be totally blown out. The rest of the week looks ok too could be in the knee to waist range in the better spots, and somewhat clean on the right tides with the right winds.


Friday, November 26, 2010

November 26th

Waves are waist+ with some bigger set waves but really messy and choppy. worth it if your dieing to get out but nothing special. Most guys were on longboards. There are some corners if your in the right place so a shortboard works too. I did get a few pics of myself which is cool.

I wore a 5mil with gloves and boots board is 5'6x 20 5/8


Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 25th

Gobble Gobble.. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Hope everyone enjoys their turkey and day off.

Unfortunately it is totally flat today. Not even a ripple.

I'm hoping for some small but rideable chop tomorrow. prob in the knee - waist range. Forecast's for next week are also looking promising exp. Tues through Wed. Maybe get some NW winds in the afternoon on Wednesday to clean things up. Fingers crossed.

Stay stoked,


Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22nd

It's still pretty much flat and unrideable. Nothing significant on the forecast's. Maybe a little something Friday and Saturday. Pray for surf!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21st

ocean is flat.

watch the triple crown of surfing live by clicking the link


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 19th

Flat and unrideable surf. Light breeze, beautiful day but no waves.

Shadows of the Same Sun - Rockaway Premiere!

Tonight, Friday, November 19th, 2010!

Shadows of the Same Sun: Thomas Brookin's epic historical documentary of surfing on NY's Rockaway peninsula!

Friday, November 19th, 2010 - 8PM

Knights of Coulmbus 333 Beach 90th St Far Rockaway, NY 11693

Admission is Free!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18th

small and choppy.. ankle - knee high wind chop. maybe a random bigger peak here or there. not worth it for me. no one out.

Shout out to my boys J.Woz and Reuben for Shipping my boards up here via greyhound. The packing job was incredible. Only one day in transit! They came in perfect and have since been stripped, polished and rewaxed and one even got a new tail pad. Ready to shred!!

Thanks guys!!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 17th

Choppy and blown out. strong side shore winds. nobody out. does not look fun.


Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15th

Noon: Knee with occ. waist. Fun on a longboard or wide fish.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14th

Waist to chest today. Clean and Fun in the late morning/afternoon. Bunch of heads in the water. Prob better with a Log, fish, or thick quad but shortboarders are still getting a bunch and shreddding. Great day, beautiful weather. Getting some pics up soon. Go surf if you can.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 13th

10 AM: Waves are really fun! Clean and glassy, but crowded. Anywhere from shoulder to head high+. It's working the whole way down the beach. This is the end of the latest swell. Enjoy while it lasts. Have fun and stay safe.

PM: Lost some size this afternoon. Still clean and fun but waist to chest with the occ. bigger set. Tons of people in the water and up on the boards watching. Beautiful day.

New pics from today at the top of the photo stream to the left.


Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12th

AM:waves are good. Solid Head high with some + on the sets and some - in between.

Not many early birds out. The pictures don't do it justice but I wanted to get something up here before I get out in the water.

High tide is fattening the wave out a little bit but there are def still some hollow ones coming in. The inside doesn't look to hard to navigate. Although you can see what happened to the guy caught inside in the first pic with the white long board going over the falls. More pics from the day will be at the top of the photo stream on the left. Go Surf!!!

PM:It got bigger and really fun. Head high + with plenty of push. some big drops and thick walls of water but many closeouts on the inside. Not too many people out.

4/3 or better need booties.. long board or short board


Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 11th

PM update: built a little up until dark. Great sunset, some nice sets came in around chest high. 4-5 minute lulls between sets. Not much wind on it. It was fun but not nearly as big as was predicted. maybe it'll pick up more for tomorrow. a have a couple pics on my phone but there not great. Didn't have a chance to take any with the camera. Tomorrow I'll get some up.

Am: waves are in the waist to chest range. Kinda fat and slow moving but def shreddable. The tide is very high but the swell is showing and producing fun waves with not too many heads in the water. I'll try to get some pics up later. Go surf!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10th

Still glassy and flat, small swell pulse starting to show but breaking on the beach about shin high. Not really worth putting pics up. There's no one out. Tomorrow should show us what we can expect throughout the weekend. Reports still look good. Pray for surf.

Update: As of 3pm waves are coming in clean, waist w/some random shoulder sets. maybe 10 guys out. mostly long boards. no hoods, no gloves but 4/3's or better w/ booties. Have fun!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9th

knee high + long boardable surf today. nothing major. It got really nice out in the afternoon. swell starts to roll in tomorrow.


Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th

Ocean has gone flat again, but not for long. Another E Swell starts to fill in wed afternoon and should stick around through Sunday and even into next week. Expect to get some big cold waves this weekend!!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7th

Waves are still super fun. waist+ with the occ. shoulder high sets, wind is still off shore so there are some barrels on the inside. Almost zero closeouts. The slow moving waves are a little fat but are just about perfect for a Long Board. Its clean and lined up all the way down the beach. minor easterly drift just past the jetty. About 30 heads in the water. Stoked!

wore a 5mil w/o boots or gloves and my feet are still frozen. The mini long board did its thing again today.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6th

Just about perfect today. Head high+ clean and glassy with offshore winds. Some closeouts but many, many barrels to be had. 20+ heads in the line-up. Go Surfing!!

There's a grom contest going on at the beach on L. But F is Firing with more waves and seems bigger and more hollow. Word on the boards is that Lido is even bigger.

I got a report that Diehl, NJ was big and super fun yesterday.

A 4/3 would be a good call for today. Everyone's in booties and a lot have gloves and hoods too.

Click pics to enlarge.


Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5th

Waves are chest to head high+, clean and lined up w/ a few closeouts. Only about 5 guys in the water. Boots are needed. A few guys are in hoods too. Go surf!

the second and third picture to the left is a sequence. Click to enlarge.

2pm update: choppy and blown out, hard onshore winds. empty line up.

tomorrow should be clean with some size.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4th

Knee to waist SE swell starting to show. cold and rainy but a few heads out.

Pm: waist to chest+ fun and rippable some closeouts.

as of 9pm messy and choppy on the inside tons of whitewater but looks like its breaking 20-30 yards past the jetty and lined up nicely.

Saturday should be clean and chest to head+

3/2 w/ boots ness. almost time for a 4/3. shortboardable


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3rd

AM: Waves are flat. Should start to pick up tomorrow.

edit: got some small knee high waves on the long board between 2 and 3. pretty clean, some lines if you get in front of the whitewash. Long lulls between sets.

water is getting cold. i used a 3/2 w/o booties and I was cold when i got out.

R.I.P. - 3x World Champion surfer Andy Irons who died yesterday of dengue fever in a hotel room in Dallas, TX. He was trying to get back to Hawaii but was refused boarding on to the plane in Dallas. He was found in his hotel room the next morning. Most likely he contracted dengue fever or bone crusher fever from an infected mosquito when he first arrived in Puerto Rico for the Rip Curl pro search contest. He missed his first two heats due to illness and when he decided he would rather see his own doctors in Hawaii, Andy left Puerto Rico and never made it home. He leaves behind a wife and an unborn baby, his brother Bruce, parents, and a shocked surfing community. He was 32.

Going to watch "A Fly in the Champagne" over and over all day.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd

Still flat.

The Approaching SE ground swell has been down sized a bit for this weekend but still should provide some very fun ride-able waves. Stay stoked LB!


Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1st

No waves today.

We do have a pretty nice looking SE swell working its way in. Friday, Saturday, Sunday should be real fun. Prob in the waist to shoulder range and relatively clean due to the NW winds. Pray for surf!


October 31st

Happy Halloween!!

its knee - waist high and super clean. great for a long board but has enough push for a fish or a quad, short board def possible. It's Sunday so you know everyone's out there. prob 50 guys out between F and L. Most are in booties. very fun.

note: 3/2 booties.. 8'0 mini log


Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 30th

knee with the occ. waist se swell in the morning picked up and got choppy into the evening. nothing special but still something to surf!

note: used a 3/2.. 8'0 mini log

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29th

AM: Waves are clean knee+ w/ occ. waist set or better, air temp has dropped into the low 50's for the rest of the week but water stay's in the low 60's. waves might die out by this afternoon but I hope they stick around for the after work crowd.

note: used a 3/2 suit, rode a 8'0 Ricky Carroll mini longboard


October 28th

AM: Stomach to chest+, choppy with some close-out's but plenty of shreadable lines. moderate easterly current. should clean up for the pm.

PM: Much cleaner toward sunset. winds turned nw around 4ish. lost some size but very fun. clean lines and light crowds.

Might have a bit left for tomorrow.

note: using a 3/2 suit, rode a 5'8 ...lost rocket


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27th 2010

The ocean today was a mess in the east end of LB, Waves about chest to head high in the morning and gained a little more size in the afternoon. The onshore winds were blowing over 20mph and waves were provided by a Southerly wind swell which looks like it could stick around for the next few days. Look for things to lose some size but clean up a bit for tomorrow morning.


Back in town! (yoooo)

Doesn't seem as though much has changed in the 8 years since I've been away. The pecking order is still the same. The old guy long boarders have gotten older and the grom's of back in the day now run the lineup. I used to be one of them. Still am. People still sit up on the boards watching the waves reminiscing about how good it was the day before or talking about how much better it will be tomorrow or later on in the week. I don't think it will ever change. People have nice equipment here too. Clean white boards, all the new funky shapes, expensive wetsuits and every garage you ride your bike past has an old long board or a wetsuit hanging up too dry. This is a real surf town, close to the heart of New York. Doesn't get much better than this. There are 4 surf shops on this small island and a few of them have been in business for the better part of a decade. There is a core group of real surfers that surf all year long and don't mind when it gets big, cold or ugly. Oh and it does get big and cold here.
I can't wait to trudge across the beach covered in snow with so much rubber on my body I can barely move. Vaseline smeared on my face to save me from frost bite and wind burn. Picturing myself in the glassy, off shore, overhead surf that is about to rock my world. This is what surfing in LB is to me.